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Regional History
Today, the Red River Valley is one of the most fertile & productive regions on earth. The river that divides it, the Red River of the North, is referred to as "The American Nile". Its origins date back to the end of the glacial age, about 11,000 years ago, when the vast Lake Agassiz stretched across the heart of North America. The lake was formed by a great continental ice sheet as it melted and retreated northward. Part of the lake reached down into the United States, in the vicinity of the Minnesota-North Dakota border. When this ancient Lake Agassiz drained, it left behind traceable shorelines and a nearly flat valley. The river itself was once miles wide as it ran northward through the bed of Lake Agassiz. As it decreased in width through the centuries, it deposited heavy layers of fine silt along its course.
Our Story
Located in the heart of this Red River Valley, we have been operating the original farm acres for over 100 years. The farm has expanded in scope & size through the years and is now supporting multiple families on 4,400 acres of which the majority is Certified Organic. Crops produced include pinto beans, kidneys beans, black beans, potatoes, wheat, oats, rye, corn & soybeans.


Our core values are centered around Faith, Family, & Farming. We are honored & humbled to be stewards of God's great creation. Family is a priority as we live & work together daily. Farming is what we are passionate about as we are always looking for ways to improve our process of growing healthy, safe & nutritious food.
Our farming focus literally begins from the ground up. We realize that healthy & sustainable soils are the foundation to everything else that we do. Healthy soils = Health Plants = Healthy Animals = Healthy People.
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